Feelings…nothing more than feelings

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Have you ever noticed there are times during the year when you feel unsuccessful, unproductive, or inadequate? This seems to be one of those times of year when people start questioning their abilities. People play many roles in life, but during this time there seems to be more pressure. For example, some people are mothers/fathers, wives/husbands, employees/employer, student, child, brother or sister. These are only a few roles people play. However, it appears as though once children return to school parents begin to feel divided. This division starts when they have to choose work over attending their child’s recital or choosing their child over work obligations. This is a difficult decision for any parent because of the desire to be a great parent, but also a great employee. The truth of the matter is the responsibilities of work and child feed those negative thoughts and feelings. Employers and children sometimes say things that make one realize there is a lack of balance between home and office. Once something is said that enhances those insecurities it can make you feel inadequate in other areas. For example, if you are reprimanded at work on one project your thoughts may sound like this “I am not a good employee, I am not good at my job or I can’t do my job”. Those ruminating thoughts cause you to put more pressure on yourself that never leads to feelings of success. It is important to understand that just because you are reprimanded on one project does not mean you are inadequate, a failure or not good at your job. It simply means there was something different needed for that particular project. We would like for people to understand from this reading that when someone gives you a critique, it does not mean you are inadequate. It simply means there is room for improvement, and you have an opportunity to be creative.


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Past Mistakes