Lemon “cough cough” ade

What does it mean to stay grounded? This is a healthy balance between remembering the past, understanding the present and focusing on the future. All three components of your life created the person in the mirror. Staying grounded is the ability to experience life without becoming overwhelmed. You learn from past experiences that “this too shall pass” and although it is a struggle to deal with stress while going through you can make it. You learn the importance of venting and processing to avoid relying on your own internal dialogue. Here are some ways to stay grounded and challenge negative thinking:

  • Seek advice from friends and family as they sometimes have unique perspectives about your situation that can be helpful.

  • Accepting responsibility for past mistakes and forgive yourself for making those mistakes.

  • Look for evidence that challenges your negative thinking.

  • Challenge yourself to find a positive outcome or lesson from the experience.

There is a saying about this process “when life throws you lemon, make lemonade.”

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You’re Crowding My Space!


Friend or Foe